Make your own Indian healthy drink, Lassi! You can enjoy sweet set-type yogurt filled with mangoes that make your skin beautiful and lactic acid bacteria.


Frozen Mango 300 g, Milk 150 g, Set-type yogurt 50 g, Honey 5 g, Cinnamon Powder 5 g

#TIP Adjust the amount of milk according to taste. You can also make lassi using strawberries, bananas, and pineapples instead of mangoes.


  1. Thaw the frozen mangoes (peeled, pitted, and sliced properly).
  2. Insert the smoothie strainer, put all ingredients, and blend thoroughly.
  3. Add the set-type yogurt, honey, and cinnamon powder to the smoothie and blend once more.
  4. Drink immediately, or let chill for an hour and then enjoy.


The vitamin C in mangoes has skin brightening and elasticity effects.


1 cup


210 Cal/350 ml


350 ml