Pomegranates contain many antioxidants and vitamin C. Due to their high concentration of antioxidants, pomegranates have anti-inflammatory effects.

Drinking pomegranate juice regularly can help improve digestion, reduce the risk of heart disease, and help fight certain cancers.

Juice 1 pomegranate and 3 medium-sized apples using a Kuvings juicer equipped with a juice strainer.

Just 1 apple can give you all the sweetness of fruit without the artificial sugar.

This is the perfect way to get your fruit fix in a beautiful way!

This is so delicious and refreshing!


To remove the seeds from a pomegranate, make a shallow cut around the top of the fruit. Use your fingers to remove the cut pieces. Cut the pomegranate into shallow slices, following the line of the star-shaped white pith. Carefully pull the slices apart to remove the seeds.

You can also juice whole pomegranates with the Kuvings REVO830 juicer.